
On this page you will find two kinds of worksheets; web-based activity worksheets and library skills worksheets.  They are designed to help with your ICT and Library Skills.

The web-based activity sheets use websites to help you learn the skills to search and retrieve relevent information and use your ICT knowledge.

You have a choice of three different worksheets and you can either use the pdf or the word versions:

The worksheets below are designed to help improve your library skills when searching books to retrieve relevent information.  When looking for non-fiction or reference books you need to understand how they are filed on the shelves, to do this you need to understand the Dewey Decimal System.  This is the name of the system that is used in all public libraries and was invented by a man called Melvil Dewey in 1876, who reasoned that if you are looking for a book on ‘volcanoes’ and you did not know who wrote it, you would never find the book if it was filed in the same way as a fiction book. (Fiction books are filed by the Author’s surname).  So he reasoned that if you give every subject its own number, you could then file them all in the same place.  So that is what he did!

There are eight worksheets to choose from, they can be done in any order.  Some will use the Subject Index Guide and others you will have to go to the shelves to find the information.

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